Saturday 20 April 2013

Remembering Boston's youngest victim

>> people are already calling the fbi tonight, hoping to help identify the two men suspected of planting bombs here in boston . bombs that killed three people, including the 8-year-old boy who will never return to the third grade classroom that i visited today.

>> at this time, these are the people of interest. somebody out there knows these individuals.

>> authorities have the face.

>> we consider them to be armed and extremely dangerous .

>> it's not going to take long for somebody to recognize these people.

>> no bit of information, no matter how small or seemingly in inconsequential is too small. that.

>> investigation could be moving faster, were it not for the successful lobbying efforts of the national rifle association .

>> the nra has acted shamefully.

>> this bill only managed to win 54 votes.

>> if the nra didn't score this, we would have had 15 more votes.

>> is there any difference between sandy hook and boston other than the choice of weapon?

>> the president and first lady are already on their way to attend an interfaith service.

>> every one of us has been touched by this attack on your beloved city.

>> how can a good god allow bad things to happen?

>> we are are shaken, we are are not foresaken.

>> god's love will yet have the last word.

>> we will have accountability without vengeance. vigilance without fear.

>> they picked the wrong city to do it. not here in boston .

>>> tonight, the fbi has a new most wanted list. these guys. the fbi is asking for your help in finding two suspects described as armed and extremely dangerous . during a press conference earlier this evening, investigators put out this video of the two men, both wearing caps and dark jackets, walking through the marathon crowd on monday. special agent in charge richard de sonia said the nation is counting on information provided to us. he said anyone with any information should call 1-800-call- fbi . we're going to be showing you this video over and over again tonight, in the hope that some of you might see something, anything helpful to the fbi . and although the nation is rightfully fixated on the details of this investigation, here in boston , many are only able to glance at the investigation headlines through their grief and mourning. for boston , the loss suffered on monday feels personal, even to people who don't personally know any of the victims. president obama came to the cathedral of the holy cross today, just a short walk from the finish line of the marathon to talk to boston and the nation about that personal loss.

>> our prayers are with the richard family of dorchester . to denise and the young daughter, jane . as they fight to recover. and our hearts are broken for 8-year-old martin with his big smile and bright eyes. his last hours were as perfect as an 8-year-old boy could hope for. with his family, eating ice cream at a sporting event . and we're left with two enduring images of this little boy . forever smiling for his beloved bruins. and forever expressing a wish he made on a blue poster board . no more hurting people. peace. no more hurting people. peace.

>> today i visited with the school where those words were written. no more hurting people. peace. the neighborhood house charter school is in the neighborhood where i grew up, dorchester . and it is the richard family school . i saw martin richard 's desk in the third grade classroom that he'll never return to. i saw his little sister jane 's desk in her first grade classroom that she will surely return to when she recovers from the loss of a leg. and i saw the school library that would have closed down, were it not for the personal efforts of martin and jane 's mother, denise , who is the school librarian. she is in a boston hospital tonight, recovering from serious head injuries. no family suffered more on monday than the richard family. and no boston institution has suffered more from the bombing than the neighborhood house charter school . i used to be a teacher in the boston public schools , and i've never seen a better elementary school here than the neighborhood house charter school , which was co founded by the headmaster, kevin andrews , 18 years ago. mr. andrews invited me into his house today. .

>> kevin, on monday, everyone in boston and everyone from boston spent some period of time, hours, for some of us, tracking down everyone we know, making sure they were safe. what was that afternoon like for you?

>> frankly, it was -- prior to the bombing, was a great at a day in boston . my wife and our god child had gone to the marathon at heartbreak hill . and we said, what a great day it is. and, you know, we went back home and, you know, had lunch. late lunch . and everything was great. and then on tv we hear about these bombings. and never could really -- explosions, they called them. so at first you kind of think, gas company. oh, here we go again. another mistake. but it wasn't the gas company. and then emotions kicked in pretty heavy. and i started praying right away. with my wife. and just said, you know, we hope everybody is wrong. but at that time we had heard that martin had lost his life. and that was hard. no sleep that night. and we heard about jane . and, you know, we prayed some more. for them and then denise . you know, who is -- the library is going to be closed down at the end of last year. we ran out of kind of funds. and denise said she would even volunteer for a small salary, whatever it is. i would like to keep the library open. and for a small salary she kept the library open part time . she is a pretty remarkable woman. very wonderful with the kids. firm. she is a firm person. she is a real mother of three kids. you know. everybody is going to toe the line, do what you're told. don't ask more than once. kind of a model mother you want to have raising your children. every time i would come through the library to go to my office, i would say, good morning, denise . good morning, mr. andrews . i remember one time i told her, you can call me kevin. and she said, i know, mr. andrews .

>> so this library is really denise 's monument. it literally wouldn't be here without her.

>> yeah. i mean, we were going to close it down. i mean, there's no question. we weren't -- maybe the books would still be here. but there wasn't going to be a librari librarian. and i wasn't about to have kids check out the books and come back and everything -- the dewy decimal system is all kind of screwed up. and, you know, dr. seuss is over near the geography area, you know. so you've got to have someone here. and she stepped up.

>> have you been able to speak to denise ?

>> no. the family really wants privacy. so i think it's just family that's involved. maybe some close friends . and we really here in dorchester respect privacy. someone tells you they want the privacy in dorchester , you give them privacy.

>> we know what they mean.

>> we know what they mean. so we give it to them.

>> so this is martin 's classroom up here.

>> yep. this is martin 's classroom. third grade. his locker is here. that's his locker. and his time line , there is a picture of him on the beach. this is the classroom. and there's martin 's -- here he is. math scores. up to his tens. i don't know if he'll catch jack. but he's pretty up there. martin is doing pretty well.

>> yeah.

>> pulling a strong second right now. there he is. great classroom. great teachers. you know, good student. quiet kid. you know. quiet kid, strong boston ack is accent. loves sports, loves the bruins. loves the celtics. loves the red sox . really loves dustin pedroia . that's his favorite athlete.

>> what is your plan for monday? especially in this classroom? when everyone knows martin is not going to return?

>> well, we're going to acknowledge, martin is missing. martin will no longer be with us. we'll have professionals here, along with the teachers, to work with the young people . monday is going to be hard. we'll do what we have to do to allow the children to express themselves, no matter what happens during the day, for the week, if it takes a month, whatever it takes. we're going to bring back normalcy to the school . so our kids are ready. and they will be. we'll give them a hug. and we'll move on. and they're going to learn. we're going to tell them, you've got to still learn. you've still got to be smart. how can we be as smart as martin . how can we do our math facts as well as martin .

>> now, the president is a great writer, and he's a great speech writer . he's got a lot of great speech writers working for him. but today the most poignant line in the cathedral was written by one of your third graders. it was written by martin .

>> we're left with two enduring images of this little boy . forever smiling for his beloved bruins and forever expressing a wish he made on a blue posterboard. no more hurting people. peace. no more hurting people. peace.

>> what was it like for you as an educator, sitting in it that cathedral today to hear the president quoting the work done by one of your students in this room?

>> he needs more consultants like martin . sometimes kids just get it right. you know, it was -- it's hard. you know? so it's hard hearing those words. it's hard hearing his name. it's easy to it's easy for me to talk about it. but to listen is when the emotion comes in. and so i was, you know, taken away by that. you know. as that -- here's martin again.

>> let's go take a look at the classroom that jane is going to be coming back to.

>> sure. they're honoring her. the kids made some cards and honor her. jane . we're very happy that they're doing this for them. so it's going to be hard. going to be hard. it's a good school . i guess i would say it 100 times . it's a good school , good staff. that's how come when jane comes back, kids come back, we're going to be able to really embrace this as something to learn from, to help us make our student body even stronger. and so we're not -- this makes us stronger. you know. we're -- there's a lot of heart in this school . a lot of family in this school . a lot of determination, resilience. but, you know, she still will be jane , and i'll still joke with jane . and i'll -- you know, the joke i have with her, my own personal joke , my wife's name is jane . and so i always say to jane , "why do i love you, jane ?" "because your wife's name is jane ." and she smiles and will come over and give me a hug or show me something. she is probably going to be more resilient than most adults. and we'll take her home because we love her.

>> well, i think jane is pretty lucky to be coming back to a school run by kevin andrews . that's what i think.

>> jane is pretty lucky to have her teachers. jane is lucky.

>> thanks.

>> thanks.

>> i also learned today that for halloween jane dressed up as michelle obama .


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